Full Staff Directory
Name |
Position |
Phone |
Ext. |
Email |
Aldrich, Phil |
Partner |
(705) 742-1674 |
225 |
paldrich@llf.ca |
Baird, Jim |
Partner |
(705) 742-1674 |
272 |
jbaird@llf.ca |
Best, Nathanael |
Reat Estate Law Clerk |
(705) 742-1674 |
278 |
nbest@llf.ca |
Bitten, Jaclyn |
Estate Planning Law Clerk |
(705) 742-1674 |
224 |
jbitten@llf.ca |
Bolton, Carolyn |
Litigation Law Clerk |
(705) 742-1674 |
228 |
cbolton@llf.ca |
Booth, Astrid |
Real Estate Law Clerk |
(705) 742-1674 |
250 |
abooth@llf.ca |
Boyer, Cindy |
Law Clerk/Administration |
(705) 742-1674 |
252 |
cboyer@llf.ca |
Bullock, Megan |
Family Law Clerk |
(705) 742-1674 |
214 |
mbullock@llf.ca |
Carey, Sandy |
Real Estate & Commercial Law Clerk |
(705) 742-1674 |
249 |
scarey@llf.ca |
Carter, Cathy |
Office Assistant |
(705) 742-1674 |
261 |
ccarter@llf.ca |
Chatten, Tammy |
Real Estate Law Clerk |
(705) 742-1674 |
263 |
tchatten@llf.ca |
Connolly, Emmet |
Partner |
(705) 742-1674 |
238 |
econnolly@llf.ca |
Dawson, Lucy |
Estate Planning Law Clerk |
(705) 742-1674 |
247 |
ldawson@llf.ca |
Deighan, Patty |
Real Estate & Commercial Law Clerk |
(705) 742-1674 |
pdeighan@llf.ca |
Doris, Joseph |
Associate |
(705) 742-1674 |
248 |
jdoris@llf.ca |
Endicott, Candice |
Corporate Law Clerk |
(705) 742-1674 |
289 |
cendicott@llf.ca |
Florence, Scott |
Information Technology Manager |
(705) 742-1674 |
245 |
sflorence@llf.ca |
Forbes, Lynda |
Estates Law Clerk |
(705) 742-1674 |
276 |
lforbes@llf.ca |
Froggatt, Debra |
Real Estate Law Clerk |
(705) 742-1674 |
275 |
dfroggatt@llf.ca |
Gates, Debbie |
Real Estate Law Clerk |
(705) 742-1674 |
241 |
dgates@llf.ca |
Gracan, Lori |
Receptionist/Administrative Support |
(705) 742-1674 |
210 |
lgracan@llf.ca |
Grant, Carrie |
Real Estate & Commercial Law Clerk |
(705) 742-1674 |
233 |
cgrant@llf.ca |
Grant, Joe |
Associate |
(705) 742-1674 |
264 |
jgrant@llf.ca |
Heffernan, Jennifer |
Estate Planning Law Clerk |
(705) 742-1674 |
251 |
jheffernan@llf.ca |
Holoborodko, Viktoriia |
Estates & Estate Planning Law Clerk |
(705) 742-1674 |
281 |
vholoborodko@llf.ca |
Hoyle, Amanda |
Real Estate & Commercial Law Clerk |
(705) 742-1674 |
290 |
ahoyle@llf.ca |
Hynes, Marie |
Associate |
(705) 742-1674 |
285 |
mhynes@llf.ca |
Kadey, Vanessa |
Estate Planning Law Clerk - On Maternity Leave |
(705) 742-1674 |
291 |
vkadey@llf.ca |
Lanctot, Jeff |
Partner |
(705) 742-1674 |
240 |
jlanctot@llf.ca |
Landry, Lorna |
Bookkeeper |
(705) 742-1674 |
222 |
llandry@llf.ca |
Lawless, Pete |
Partner |
(705) 742-1674 |
212 |
plawless@llf.ca |
Lawrie, Barb |
Estates Law Clerk |
(705) 742-1674 |
260 |
blawrie@llf.ca |
Lee, Mimi |
Associate |
(705) 742-1674 |
232 |
mlee@llf.ca |
Lockington, Bill |
Partner |
(705) 742-1674 |
219 |
wlockington@llf.ca |
Lyons, Kristin |
Litigation Law Clerk |
(705) 742-1674 |
239 |
klyons@llf.ca |
MacLachlan, Kelly |
Corporate Law Clerk |
(705) 742-1674 |
262 |
kmaclachlan@llf.ca |
Macmillan, Amber |
Real Estate Law Clerk |
(705) 742-1674 |
289 |
amacmillan@llf.ca |
Maddison, Denise |
Off-site Document Manager |
(705) 742-1674 |
dmaddison@llf.ca |
McCaveney, Emily |
Associate |
(705) 742-1674 |
293 |
emccaveney@llf.ca |
McStravick, Monique |
Estates & Estate Planning Law Clerk |
(705) 742-1674 |
257 |
mmcstravick@llf.ca |
Moore, Karen |
Receptionist |
(705) 742-1674 |
271 |
kmoore@llf.ca |
Moreland, Julie |
Litigation Law Clerk |
(705) 742-1674 |
244 |
jmoreland@llf.ca |
Morris, Lisa |
Corporate Law Clerk |
(705) 742-1674 |
230 |
lmorris@llf.ca |
Nguyen, Le |
Partner |
(705) 742-1674 |
231 |
lnguyen@llf.ca |
Nisbett, Christine |
Estate Planning Law Clerk |
(705) 742-1674 |
279 |
cnisbett@llf.ca |
Pearson, Ted |
Office Assistant |
(705) 742-1674 |
288 |
tpearson@llf.ca |
Posavad, Jessica |
Receptionist/Administrative Support |
(705) 742-1674 |
274 |
jposavad@llf.ca |
Prichard, Cindy |
Law Clerk |
(705) 742-1674 |
287 |
cprichard@llf.ca |
Roberts, Cheryl |
Estates & Estates Planning Law Clerk |
(705) 738-3588 |
412 |
croberts@llf.ca |
Roter, Brittany |
Litigation Law Clerk - On Leave |
(705) 742-1674 |
246 |
broter@llf.ca |
Russell, Chris |
Partner |
(705) 742-1674 |
220 |
crussell@llf.ca |
Scott, Tamara |
Real Estate Law Clerk |
(705) 742-1674 |
292 |
tscott@llf.ca |
Shields, Katelyn |
Estates Law Clerk |
(705) 742-1674 |
216 |
kshields@llf.ca |
Sisson, Karen |
Associate |
(705) 742-1674 |
723 |
ksisson@llf.ca |
Smith, Kathy |
Family & Litigation Law Clerk |
(705) 742-1674 |
284 |
ksmith@llf.ca |
Van Oudenaren, Adriana |
Real Estate Law Clerk |
(705) 738-3588 |
411 |
avanoudenaren@llf.ca |
West, Celina |
Real Estate Law Clerk |
(705) 742-1674 |
280 |
cwest@llf.ca |
Williams, Tammy |
Partner |
(705) 742-1674 |
242 |
twilliams@llf.ca |
Worr, Debbie |
Real Estate & Commercial Law Clerk |
(705) 742-1674 |
286 |
dworr@llf.ca |
Continued Practices
LLF Lawyers LLP is pleased to continue the practices of the following lawyers. Please contact the designated contact person if you have any questions or concerns regarding one of our continued practices.
Name |
Contact Person |
Phone |
Ext. |
Email |
Blastorah, Catharine |
Reception |
(705) 742-1674 |
info@llf.ca |
Corkery, John |
Reception |
(705) 742-1674 |
info@llf.ca |
Dwyer, Michael |
Cindy Prichard |
(705) 742-1674 |
287 |
cprichard@llf.ca |
Fitzpatrick, Bruce |
Melodie Sanderson |
(705) 742-1674 |
221 |
msanderson@llf.ca |
Fleming, Alexander |
Reception |
(705) 742-1674 |
info@llf.ca |
Howell, Walter |
Reception |
(705) 742-1674 |
info@llf.ca |
Johnston, Rod |
Carolyn Bolton |
(705) 742-1674 |
228 |
cbolton@llf.ca |
Lightbody, Robert D. |
Reception |
(705) 742-1674 |
info@llf.ca |
McCarney, John |
Reception |
(705) 742-1674 |
info@llf.ca |
Nichols, John |
Reception |
(705) 742-1674 |
info@llf.ca |
Northey, Randy |
Reception |
(705) 742-1674 |
info@llf.ca |
O’Brien, Mary Ruth |
Reception |
(705) 742-1674 |
info@llf.ca |
Pakenham, Bob |
Reception |
(705) 742-1674 |
info@llf.ca |
Rishor, Garry |
Reception |
(705) 742-1674 |
info@llf.ca |
Rutherford, Jane |
Reception |
(705) 742-1674 |
info@llf.ca |
Seabrooke, Scott |
Cindy Prichard |
(705) 742-1674 |
287 |
cprichard@llf.ca |
Steffler, Frank |
Sandy Carey |
(705) 742-1674 |
249 |
scarey@llf.ca |
Walker, Robert J. |
Adriana Van Oudenaren |
(705) 742-1674 |
411 |
avanoudenaren@llf.ca |
White, Donald |
Reception |
(705) 742-1674 |
info@llf.ca |
Whittington, Ross |
Reception |
(705) 742-1674 |
info@llf.ca |
Wood, Edgar |
Reception |
(705) 742-1674 |
info@llf.ca |